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ElvisNews Redesign

August 18, 2002 | Other
This week we have our third anniversary. In those 3 years we did a couple of redesigns, some small, some bigger and now a huge one. The main reason is that we want to extend our services to you, our visitor. The new design gives you some extra interactive facilities like a possibility to express your opinion on an article and more different and easier approaches to find the information you’re looking for on our site.
Next to these features we will add some major extra content in the very near future, you should really keep an eye on it, since we will add an extensive “knowledge base” very soon. For a starter we already added a new “Facts”-section to our articles. Two enthusiastic fans took the responsibility upon them to take care of that section.

We understand that the changes will take some time to become familiar. Therefore we have some guidelines that might be useful. Like on the portal, you will see the items listed chronologically when you approach the content through the main menu at the top. The articles are the usual exception on the rule. These are listed alphabetically, since we think people will expect them that way. When you want to see them listed chronologically, you will have to follow the link in the articles section on the portal. Under each item you will find the last ten items added to that section for easy navigation.

Another change will be the way of updating the site. We will stop the weekly edition. From now on we will update the site whenever we have something, being it news, a review, an interview or an article. Therefore we will stop our “weekly update”-list. We will update ‘24/7’ or whenever there is news regarding Elvis Presley. For those who subscribed to our ‘daily’ email-notification, don’t be afraid, we will still only send one email a day to our subscribers. This means that those who subscribed to our weekly mailinglist will be moved to the general update list or, if they don’t want that they’ll have to unsubscribe, which can be done easily through the site now.

Furthermore the search engine will be more important to navigate the site. You will find hits on your search term from the section you’re in. For example, if you search for Love Me Tender in the DVD section you can get a DVD as a search result. When you use the advanced search option, you’ll get hits for each section and you will get results on “Love Me Tender’ from the DVD/Movie section, the CD section and the shop section, and probably too in the news and articles. All presented in clear sections for easy navigation..

The portal is the starting point for ElvisNews. It will still give you a complete overview for the usual ElvisNews sections, of which you will recognize most. The latest additions are added chronologically, showing the most recent items at the top.

We hope you’ll get used to this design very soon, and that it will turn out like we have it in mind. If you have any remark or you find an error we overlooked, let us know, we’ll try solve it as soon as possible.