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Elvis Presley On Suite 101

September 17, 2000 | Other

The design on this site is the standard Suite 101 design, on this page filled with a few images and a lot of text on Elvis. We guess the web mistress can't change too much about that.

There aren't much images on this site, we can't find any "copyrighted BMG / EPE" images, but only photo's. In contrary to most sites with "own" photo's the quality is good enough and they fit well on the pages. The pro of this design is that it's pretty fast.

Navigation is good, one you know where to click. Since this site is part of a bigger site there are two navigation structures on the pages. At the top and bottom of most pages you find the Suite 101 buttons, and to the upper right and between the texts the navigation for their Elvis section. And yes, the site has a back button, so we're happy too. All the recent content (articles, bulletins, discussions and so on) are available from the first page.

Design: 8/10


The content of this website is mainly text. The way the articles were written made us think of a fan club-site. A lot of articles on all that's what's going on in the Elvis-world. There's a possibility to react to the articles, and these reactions are also put online.

Just like on the design there's not too much we can say about the content. It has a "fans talking Elvis and sharing experiences" feel about it. You can also find some links to other sites, divided in several sections with a specific topic. Soon to be featured topics are announced, so you know what you can look forward to.

It looks like they were discussing impersonators recently, and there was quite a discussion (over 500 reactions). Fortunately they also have room for the real thing with a bulletin on the new version of That's The Way It Is. Too bad there's not too much information available on Elvis' work (music, movies and so on).

Rating: 6 /10

Conclusion / Advice

Reviewing this site we got the feeling we were at an online fanclub meeting of people getting together and "talking Elvis". So if you want to read about, and react on Elvis related topics, have a look around. It looks like one of those sites to stop by every now and then when you're into this kind of content.

Our advice to the web mistress is simple, keep on doing what you're doing, we believe there's a specific type of fan who enjoys this kind of site. To improve the site we'd advise her to add more news to the site to keep up with what's going on with and around the man himself.

June Moore gave us an award when we were around for a couple of months, and now we can return the favor.