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Tour Opening Tempe

August 10, 2007 | Music
A new import release is the CD "Tour Opening Tempe" with Elvis performance from March 23, 1977 as recorded in Tempe Arizona.
Lex wrote on August 10, 2007
Thanks for the warning.
ElvisDayByDay wrote on August 10, 2007
Kind of expected a more enthusiastic reaction from you on this release :-)
wayup wrote on August 10, 2007
Tampa? Are you CRAZY??? Opening show was in TEMPE, Arizona. Ot it was TAMPAX? :-) Good show regarding the time, with best 1977 performance of HOW GREAT THOU ART. But sound is not very good - I assume these people behind it used just CDR that is in circulation for years.
Lex wrote on August 10, 2007
Well, I'd rather listen to Easy Come, Easy Go instead of a "good show for 1977".
wayup wrote on August 10, 2007
First, correct the name of city. Tampa is in Florida ;-) I have listened to all 1977 shows available (52 or 53 out of 55 shows). This Tempe is good one for 77. And certainly better listening (if in good quality) than any EASY COME EASY GO crap. Of course I know you dislike any post 72 Elvis.... I just noticed that this so called CD have also "design" copied from CDR. It will be another crap release, this is sure.
Taprik wrote on August 10, 2007
Lazy buggers...they didn't even make a new design to the artwork - they simply "borrowed" parts of the layout from the AR that's been circulating for years...
JimmyCool wrote on August 10, 2007
This has to be the back cover!
JimmyCool wrote on August 10, 2007
Maybe Tempe is southern for Tampa?
Ronald wrote on August 10, 2007
For all you Smarta** topographic wonders. Tempe is a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona.
Ronaldv wrote on August 11, 2007
The phoenix show from sept 9 '70 has been released, i have it and it's a fabulous show. This one i'll skip, Elvis should have been in Hawaii all march 77 and not on stage. Elvis was ill in march 77, very ill.
Ciscoking wrote on August 11, 2007
For sure a better show from 1977 ..but how cheap this release is done... Cover stolen from PA..wrong name of the opening place.. ..just straight copy of what is availible for years..I am fed up with crap like this..forget this swindle...