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Plea To Save Elvis Sideburns On Display

June 17, 2004 | Other
Over the years children wrote may letters to U.S. presidents, several of these letters, which evoke a range of emotions, are now on display at the US National Archives and Records Administration.

One letter from three girls in Montana begged President Eisenhower to save Elvis Presley's famed sideburns. "My girlfriend's and I are writting all the way from Montana. We think its bad enough to send Elvis Presley in the Army, but if you cut his sideburns off we will just die!" Unfortunately, there was not much Eisenhower could do about it. The much-loved sideburns vanished under a regulation army haircut.
Elvisss wrote on June 18, 2004
Too cute, ELVIS had some sweeet sideburns! : )