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Elvis Files Next Year

October 05, 2012 | Book

Here is a flyer for the volumes of the Elvis Files that will be issued in 2013. The volumes 6 and 7 will together cover 1971-1977.

Steve V wrote on October 05, 2012
Can no longer afford all these and for what purpose, to look at them a few times? Not worth it anymore.
Orion wrote on October 05, 2012
I haven't punked down the money for any of these yet... but, will have to get this one. Granted not some of Elvis' best years, but I'm always looking for "new" shot of me trying to trade a hound dog for a scarf from June of '77 at the Cincinnati concert. Thank you Bob Heis for the photo on my office wall. RIP
Natha wrote on October 05, 2012
I had the choice: buy this series and end up applying for social welfare, or just live on independently. You know what I chose? Anyway, like Steve V, when do I look at these photos? I listen to the music. SO I decided to leave those precious books / the whole series to those who do enjoy it more. Like Benny use to say: to each his/her own.
Tigrut wrote on October 06, 2012
I'll never understand why the heck they left out his first years, that to me is a dealbreaker and thus I will never buy this series. The years up to 1953 (and of course beyond) are what influenced him in his music and they left that out?! A completely incomplete series.
jean michel wrote on October 06, 2012
Tigrut , I dont get your point. This is a photos book series. The score of know photos from 1935 to 1952 has already been published . I guess Erik , the author , would be very happy to find/get a few hundred more and publish a prequel volume. Elvis pre 1953 history has already been written and analised in other types of books. The Elvis Files series is the best photos book series ever. Vol 1 ,covering the years from 1953 to 56, comes out in september I cant figure out why people are complaining.