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Big Moment In Time

May 14, 2005 | Other
After a sneak preview and a special treat for our loyal members, the new version of ElvisNews is on-line for all visitors of the site now.

If you happen to notice anything that goes wrong, please let us know as soon as possible!

During the migration we lost most of the reviews and votes in our shop, since we decided to make those "member only" too. So we would welcome it if you give your opinion on some products. This will give our top-lists some more content than they have now.

The main changes are:

The site will be proportional for 99%, so it will adjust to the resolution of your desktop. Especially since Elvisfans grow older and older we thought it would be a good service to make it that way :-). You won't need that pair of glasses to get informed anymore, just switch to the fontsize you want.

The site will be faster. Due to the popularity of the site the server sometimes had trouble keeping up with all the fans visiting the site. With this new structure we hope to have solved this and be prepared for the still growing Elvis fan base.

We added a few changes to the navigation to make it even easier to navigate through the site, and find the news, article, picture or fact from the encyclopedia.

In the membersection we made a few changes too, you can more easily keep you profile up-to-date and more member features will be added in the near future.

Besides these big improvements we made preparations to add even more services to the site, but those will show up in the (near) future.