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Baptist Memorial Goes Down In November

June 03, 2005 | Other
Good news for those of you who are visiting Memphis next August. The “newest” part of Baptist Memorial Hospital on Union Avenue (where Elvis was hospitalized in the seventies) stays “up” until november 2005. Workers have been busy for almost a month now, clearing the debris of the old (left) wing. By november, the main building will be imploted, making space for the Medical Research Center of Memphis.
cathyreno wrote on June 07, 2005
I have the baptist hosp on film when we visited Memphis in 2001 and as far back as then it was reported they were tearing it down. Pity though but if its making way for a new research center at least its for a good cause. 1 less stop for the tourist's point of view. They had a green shade that you can see from the sun studio's bus and the tourist guide said that was were they Elvis was in on aug '77. Yes very morbid I know. We will probably see that green shade on ebay wouldnt surprise me .