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Bad Nature

February 22, 2010 | Book

Bad Nature, or with Elvis in Mexico is another novel starring Elvis, this time by the Spanish top author Javier Marias.

Elvis and his entourage abandon their translator in a seedy cantina full of enraged criminals. “It all happened because of Elvis Presley.” Elvis, down south of the border to film a movie, has insisted his producers hire a proper Spaniard so that he can pronounce his few lines in Spanish with a Castillian accent. But Ruibérriz has taken on much more than he bargained for. One fatal night, horseplay in a local bar goes too far: a fatuous drunken American insults the local kingpin, and when the thug insists that Ruibérriz translate, Elvis himself adds an even more stinging comment—and who must translate that?


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King Of Music wrote on February 22, 2010
More crap coming out, they should ban this sort of stuff and EPE should get involved and sue these people for using Elvis' name.
Lex wrote on February 22, 2010
What a nonsense! Some of them are very amusing - more amusing than a lot of the serious books.
theoldscudder wrote on February 22, 2010
I predict that this will not make the N Y Times best selling list.